Victoria Shone Art

Victoria Shone Art was born in the South of England and has always created art, it is a huge part of her world and she has been drawing since her early childhood. However, following her Arts Degree Victoria occupied the corporate world for about 15 years and sadly this left little time for the arts. Finally she made the leap to become a fulltime artist 7 years ago and she now lives in West Yorkshire.
Her work combines colourful, psychedelic images with a modern sensibility of confidence and empowerment. Text is central to Victoria's work and she uses it to remind us how important it is to live our brief lives with passion and courage.

Artist Statement:
For Inter-Arts Festival event 'Invisible Made Visible'
I decided I wanted to focus on grief, because for me, following my Dad’s death last November, it has felt like I’m navigating the world carrying my grief like an invisible illness.
My Dad lost his life after an 8 years battle with a brain tumour; undergoing surgery, radiotherapy and taking all manner of medication. The effect of these 8 years on our whole family was catastrophic and the pain of watching someone you love suffer for so long is totally overwhelming. You think because of this you might be prepared for their death, but I have come to realise that nothing can prepare you for the death of a parent.
After my Dad died I wanted to create, but whilst I can draw around any other theme, I have struggled to depict my grief. My Dad and I both have always shared a love of poetry, the really nitty gritty, the funny and the sad. So I decided to look at poetry around death and the truth is I couldn’t relate to anything I found. So, I decided to write my own. I normally use words in my drawings, but this was a new thing for me, it has been painful but I’m grateful for the outlet it has allowed me.
Please take a look and click on the follow the images like reading a book... there is a story in every page of The Man who Lived in the Sea...