Welcome to the Inter-Arts Festival of Childhood at The David Wright Gallery at Artsmill is on from Wednesday 7th of August – Sunday 18th of August, open from Wednesday – Sunday each week. During the 2 weeks we have an Art and Word Exhibition, Workshops, Talks, Art Installations, Films and Performances.
“Following on from the well received Inter-Arts Festival ‘Art Through Trauma’ last August and the Inter-Arts Festival to raise awareness over Mental Health week in May here at Artsmill. Inter-Arts group of local Artists and invited guests who have come together to bring you ‘Festival of Childhood, this is an opportunity for you to let your inner child free in the space and engage with the work you see. There are lots of opportunities to get involved from the workshops to the open mic. We look forward to seeing you all in the next 2 weeks” Fiona Pattison
We have a selection of artist, writers and performers throughout the festival showing there work, including Skye Shadowlight, Elaine Hook, Fiona Love, Sosh, Bethany Weaves, Priscilla Edwards, Ginny Koppenhol, Keiron Higgins, Victoria Shone, Isaac Hughes-Dennis, Negapositiv, Alice Measom, Socs Blakely, Microphone Jack, Jan Langdale, Eileen Wright, Winston Plowes, Dawn Bland, Wonky Puss, Cayn White, Pixie Biscuit, Iris and Colin Rowan plus many more…
First Performance and Talk is from Artist, Skye Shadowlight on Friday 9th of August. Doors open at 7.30pm for you to look around the art and word exhibition then the performance starts at 8pm at the David Wright Gallery = “SHADE SCHOOL” Installation, Video, Performance.
‘SHADE SCHOOL is a large scale art installation that I built from found objects in 2015. It began as one desk but as the story kept unfolding I added another and another. Now, I have an entire Victorian Classroom worth of work, with each piece telling a unique and individual story.
In 2013 my child, who has autism explains that her teacher has been putting her under the desk as a punishment. He said that she liked it there because it was not too bright, and because she doesn’t like noise. Like a dog, the only child in the class sitting under the teacher’s desk for being naughty. My child often misunderstands things by taking them too literally. The teacher everyday would call the girls, boys and the boys, girls as a joke. All of the children laugh at his silly mistake. My child felt he was misunderstanding her as everyday she explained that she was not a boy. This just added to her distress. She would cry and they would laugh at her inability to be flexible. He continued and so did the “bad behaviour”.“Under the desk!” These are just some of the disgusting way that mainstream school were getting it wrong for my child and what drove me to create this emotive work. The school were screaming for inclusion at every turn, yet not training the staff to understand my child’s needs. A too common story. A archaic school setting for modern day disabled child. I invite you to attend SHADE SCHOOL Art Installation including video and performance. ‘ Skye Shadowlight
Workshops on Saturday 10th of August – 10 am start in The Art School at Artsmill.
As part of the Inter-Arts ‘Festival of Childhood’, we have a series of workshops… Priscilla Edwards is a well known mixed media artist and works with textile, wire and found objects. Join her on this wonderful workshop at The Art School at Artsmill over the ‘Inter-Arts Festival of Childhood and create your own Fairytale Creature at her Curious Creatures Workshop, 10am – 4pm
During the workshop you will explore the possibilities of making objects that are assembled using ephemera, fabrics, wire, found oddments anything that you wish to work with, that has meaning and childhood memories for you. Priscilla uses these themes in her own work and will take you on a journey to create yours. Materials and equipment will be provided but you should bring with you a small collection of your own precious fabrics, ephemera, papers, broken china or toys.’
To book your place contact Priscilla on 07816 886522 or email her at priscilla@priscillaedwards.co.uk It is £50 for the day.
Children can attend the workshops under supervision of an adult*
Our Second Workshop we have, ‘Stop Motion Animation’ Workshop with Ginny Koppenhol at The Art School, Artsmill at 5pm – 8pm Many of us grew up watching Morph or Bagpuss and marvelling at the figures coming to life on our screens. Come along to Ginny’s workshop and learn stop motion animation in this playful and practical session! From character creation to basic editing, you will make your own short film. Stop motion is easy to learn but the possibilities are endless. No experience necessary and all equipment is provided. £20 entry. Please contact ginnykoppenhol@googlemail.com to book your place.
Performance at the David Wright Gallery.
Meet Performance Artist, ‘Sosh’ as he gets up to mischief, interacting with the space and other artists’ work. See Sosh at 11am, 1pm and 3pm at Wednesday 14th – 18th of August.
Special Guests and Open Mic Night = Saturday 17th of August. Doors open at 7.30pm Fiona Love and Issac Hughes-Dennis will be hosting an amazing evening of Spoken Word and Performance with Special Guests throughout the night and open mic towards the end. Bring along your inner child and feel free to get up and perform if you feel the urge. Contact Fiona Happy4pr@gmail.com to put your name on the open mic.
Inter-Arts Talk on Sunday 18th of August at 2pm at The David Wright Gallery with Fiona, find out more about the Inter-Art classes for creatives at The Art School every first Wednesday of the month at 7pm – 9pm.
For more information visit Artsmill’s Facebook page or go to http://www.interartsfestival.com
Or Contact Fiona Pattison on Happy4pr@gmail.com 07912 372 284
Inter-Arts Festival of Childhood runs till Sunday 18th of August at Artsmill, Hebden Bridge.
Stop Motion Animation Workshop with Ginny Koppenhol - Inter-Arts Festival of Childhood on Saturday 10th of August. 5pm - 8pm at The Art School, Artsmill..
£20 entry. Please contact ginnykoppenhol@googlemail.com to book your place.
Many of us grew up watching Morph or Bagpuss and marvelling at the figures coming to life on our screens. Come along to Ginny's workshop and learn stop motion animation in this playful and practical session! From character creation to basic editing, you will make your own short film. Stop motion is easy to learn but the possibilities are endless. No experience necessary and all equipment is provided. £20 entry. Please contact ginnykoppenhol@googlemail.com to book your place.