What is your background?
My background is in music composition, political ranting, and community activism! I also work in the world’s best pub (Todmorden’s Golden Lion!) and love long rambles in the valley.
Describe what you do?
I’m a political folk-punk comedy musician. I am an embarrassment to the folk community, a stain on the fabric of poetry, and proudly ruffle a few feathers here and there. Punk poet and comrade Attila the Stockbroker once described me as “Tom Lehrer meets Itch Fox meets Lonnie Donegan meets Jonathan King. Which, in the last case, is a bit dodgy in all kinds of ways”. It sort of has to be seen to be believed.

As a performer and songwriter what inspires you?
People power and being able to poke fun at serious shit! I’m also massively inspired by any art that makes people angry. If you achieve that, you’re doing something right…
How have you been through lockdown, and what have you discovered?
Fatigued and confused, which isn’t much different to pre-lockdown. I discovered lots of things, namely that England’s full of gammons, the music of Jake Thackray, and how to play the spoons.
What projects have you got lined up?
Lots of exciting ones that I’m not quite ready to disclose!! All I’ll say is wait and see!

Tell us about your latest Album release?
Covidiot was a 6-track E.P that kind of documented my responses to some of the unfathomably barmy events of the past year, with its fair share of sweary rants. My lovely partner Tallulah Howarth sings backing vocals, and I play the aforementioned spoons. In the words of the fabulous Boff Whalley (of The Commoner’s Choir, and previously Chumbawamba) “Isaac just picks up his ukulele and bang bang bang off he goes with another rhyming rant, usually involving a Tory politician of some description”.
Tell us something about you that we might not know about?
I once offended Eric Clapton’s wife at a charity do I played. I broke a kazoo, and apparently she walked out. It was great fun.
How would you describe your style?

What advice would you give performers starting out?
Don’t listen to people who try to give you advice.
In all seriousness, don’t be afraid to make yourself look like a tit in front of people. It’s not as bad as you think it is, and you’ll probably still get paid for the gig.
What would be your dream job?
Folk-Punk Troubadour, although Jobcentre Plus said it wasn’t a viable career plan.
Any gigs coming up?
Tomorrow ofcourse on the brilliant Inter-Arts Facebook Live Page with the wonderful Punk Poet, Cayn White at 8pm. :)
I have a gig for The Morning Star on 21st April, and then will be headlining the online poetry festival Shadowfest on 30th May (which Cayn White is also appearing on!)
For all gig updates, you can find my social medias- @isaachughesdennismusic on Facebook, or @isaac.hughes.dennis on Instagram.
Link to Isaac Hughes Dennis profile page on Inter-Arts Festival - https://www.interartsfestival.com/isaac-hughes-dennis